Woman glowing after a breakup
Mental Health,  Relationship Problems

20 Ways To Glow Up After A Break Up Like An Absolute Goddess

Your heart is shattered into a million pieces and the last thing you want to hear about is glow up after a breakup.

But please hear me out.

I know, breakups are really tough, but what if I told you it can also be the start of something amazing.

You can use this precious time to focus on yourself, your happiness, heal emotionally, love yourself, understand your worth and rebuild your confidence.

Not such a terrible idea right.

Here is a fine blue-print to glow up in all aspects of your life, mental, physical and emotional after a breakup.

How To Glow Up Mentally After a Breakup

Breakups even if you parted ways as friends can adversely affect your mental health. Here are some healthy ways to deal with it.

Process Your Feelings

The healthiest way to deal with a breakup is to acknowledge your feelings rather than suppressing them.

Losing someone you love hurts, so it’s okay to be sad, lost, cry or get angry.

Don’t repress these emotions with self destructive behavior like binge-watching TV, eating junk food, drinking or sleeping excessively.

All these things won’t stop you from feeling crummy.

A breakup is a huge life event so you need to confront your feelings to get that closure.

When you get those feeling out you can finally begin your glow up journey after breakup.

Lean On Your Support System

Lean on your friends and family and let them be there to listen, comfort you, and remind you that you’re not alone in this.

Most of all, they’ll tell you how awesome you are and lift your spirits.

It’ll also help to see things from their perspectives and seek their advice.

Stay Away From Social Media

After a breakup when you might have the urge to go down the rabbit hole that is social media.

The need to stalk your ex’s profile or message him must be really strong but restrain yourself with all your mental strength.

Instead block, mute or unfollow your ex and any mutual friends who might post about them. This way, you won’t see updates that might upset you.

Also stop scrolling your phone mindlessly and go for a complete social media detox, till the time you feel in control of your emotions.

Glow Up After A Break Up with self care

Prioritize Self Care

You know taking care of yourself, loving yourself is truly the most powerful kind of love there is and after a breakup, you need all the self care in the world to overcome any emotional turmoil.

So focus on what makes you truly happy is it reading a good book, star-gazing at night, or enjoying a good meal in your favorite spot?

Find ways to pamper yourself and to glow up beautifully after a breakup, like buying yourself flowers or a enjoying a relaxing bath.

Get Busy Learning A New Skill Or Hobby

Learning a skill or starting an old hobby can be a great distraction from the pain of a breakup.

It keeps your mind occupied and contributes to personal growth. It’s also chance to boost your confidence, improve your mood and who knows an opportunity to meet new people and form new connections.

Plus mastering a skill or hobby always provides a sense of accomplishment and pride, and if you truly want to glow up after a break this is the way to do it.

Write Down Your Thoughts

Writing down your feelings provides a healthy outlet to your pent-up emotions and make sense of your thoughts.

Just grab a notebook or use a notes app on your phone and start writing down how you’re feeling.

Don’t stress about grammar or making it perfect, just get your thoughts out by being honest and without judging yourself.

If you’re not sure what to write about, use journal prompts to get started.

Seek Therapy

A therapist can provide expert advice and coping strategies tailored in managing post breakup stress, anxiety, and sadness.

You can discuss your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental environment which can be incredibly liberating.

You can reflect and revaluate where you went wrong.

A therapist can help you identify and understand patterns in your past relationships, enabling you to make healthier choices in the future.

Set Some Personal Goals

Achieving your goals, no matter how small reminds you of your capabilities and strengths.

Setting some personal goals and achieving those milestones can be one of the best ways to glow up after breakup.

So set some short-term goals for any aspect of your life it could be career, finance, health or personal growth.

Give yourself realistic deadlines and make your goals specific. Like, instead of saying, “I want to get fit,” try “I’ll exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week.”

Glow Up after break up with mini vacation

Take A Mini Vacation

Taking a break from your daily schedule gives your mind the space to process your emotions in a much calmer way.

A change of scenery with a mini-vacation or weekend getaway can help you see things more clearly and make better decisions.

This can be helpful to reset your mind and start anew.

Declutter Your Life

A full-fledged declutter session is can freshen your mind and get rid of things that have served their purpose.

By removing items that remind you of your ex, you are making room for new memories and experiences.

Undertake a deep-cleaning session of your entire home and donate, recycle or discard what’s creating clutter.

Post Breakup Physical Glow Up

After a breakup, it’s common to feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself.

A physical glow up can be a way to rediscover who you’re outside of that relationship, whether it’s getting in shape, trying a new hairstyle, or indulging in skincare.

These changes can help you feel more confident and ready to start again.

A young women cleaning her face for some glow

Taking Care Of Your Skin

Skincare enhances improves skin texture which can boost your self-esteem and help you feel more radiant in your own skin as you navigate life post-breakup. Here are some tips.

  • Assess your skin type to choose the right products for your skin.
  • Use a gentle cleanser to keep your skin clean and fresh.
  • Exfoliate twice a week to remove dead skin cells and for a smoother skin.
  • Keep your skin hydrated with a good moisturizer.
  • Apply sunscreen every day, even on cloudy ones to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and premature aging.
  • Use serums with ingredients like vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, or retinol to give your skin some extra nourishment.
  • Try face masks 1-2 times a week for a supple skin.
  • Use an eye cream to address dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines.
  • Keep your nails and cuticles adequately moisturized with regular mani and pedi.
  • Scrub your lips at least once in 15 days and moisturize it daily.
  • Learn some basic make-up skills to highlight your features and elevate your overall look. Here’s a very helpful beginner’s video on applying make-up.
  • Shape up your eyebrows to make your face more defined. Here’s how to choose the right eye-brow as per your face shape. Here are some extra tips for fuller eyelashes.
Glow up after a break up with a hot hairstyle

Get A New Hairstyle

A new hairstyle symbolizes a fresh start.

It’s also a form of self-expression of your individuality, where you’re sub consciously getting rid of the old you who probably compromised on so many things for their ex.

If you’re nervous about a drastic change, like a short, chic haircut cut or vibrant hair color, start with a subtle change like trimming your hair, adding layers and adding few highlights.

Strawberry Lemonade Sangria


Stay Hydrated

Whether you want to a smooth, supple skin or a more energetic body, drink up that water baby and drink loads of it. Water keeps you hydrated by flushing out toxins from your body. Use these creative ways to consume water.

1. Sip Instead of drinking the water.

2. Get cute water bottle and keep it near you.

3. Drink fruit infused water like lemonade.

4. Set water drinking alarms throughout the day in your smartwatch.

Workout! (Not just to Look Slim)

Workout is so much more than just weight loss. It improves your metabolism, keeps you active, helps you focus better on work and even reduces daily stress. Plus that revenge body thing is real babe!

Sleep Well

By maintaining healthy sleep habits post-breakup, you can improve your emotional resilience to navigate this challenging period.

So prioritize beauty sleep, binge watching your favorite show can wait. Use these sleep affirmations to improve our sleep quality.

Glow Up with a Wholesome Diet

Create a wholesome diet consisting of vitamins, proteins, carbs and necessary fibers so your body gets all the nourishments that it needs post breakup.

1. Create a balanced diet with the healthy eating plate guide, by filling half of the plate with veggies and fruits and remaining half with grains such as rice or quinoa and proteins like poultry, fish and nuts.

2. Avoid processed sugar and cheese, present in certain food items like aerated drinks and junk foods, as it spikes blood sugar, harms your teeth and kills good gut bacteria.

3. Identify certain superfoods to include in your meals like almond which boosts the memory, lean proteins for muscle-building, bananas which are rich in iron, or flaxseeds which are rich in Omega 3.

Create Your Own Style

Creating your own signature style is such a queen move to look more elegant and confident. Follow these tips.

Do a closet audit and note your favorite items among clothes and accessories? Think why you chose those items. Is there a pattern?

Choose a color that makes you feel confident, something that goes well with the other pieces in your closet.

Get accessories that accentuate your overall look

Look for inspiration among friends and family or a celebrity whose style you’ve always admired.

Wear fitted clothes that make you look sharp and polished, plus choose fabric that are comfortable.

How To Glow Up Emotionally After Breakup

Breakups can leave you emotionally vulnerable, so here are some ways to pick yourself up and be resilient.

Respect Yourself

Respecting yourself and understanding your self-worth is so important after a breakup. So here are some tips.

  • Remember your value, remind yourself of your strengths, and qualities that make you unique and deserving of respect.
  • Assert your needs whether it’s in personal relationships, at work, or with friends, standing up for yourself is important.
  • Built A No Toxic Zone by establishing healthy boundaries so that no one takes your advantage and stay away from those who are constantly putting you down.
  • Work on Your Confidence, being confident means you are self assured and that can earn you the respect and admiration of those around you. Note these tips to be classy and confident.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others, everyone has their own journey and besides your worth isn’t determined by others, external validation is overrated.
  • Practice Gratitude by focusing on all the positive aspects of your life.

Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs

A breakup can cause your confidence to plummet where you blame yourself and micro-analyze every single thing.

Its okay to feel overwhelmed but don’t let these negative thought processes take over your life instead challenge these.

Start by recognizing what’s holding you back. For example, if you think, “I’m not good enough.”

Ask yourself if this belief is really true. Now replace your limiting beliefs with a positive, empowering statement.

For instance,

Limiting Belief: “I’ll never find someone who loves me.”

Reframe: “I’m attracting the right person into my life.”

Limiting Belief:  “I always mess things up.”

Reframe: “I grow stronger with every experience.”

Pro tip: Practice positive affirmations to build your motivation.

Finally, Forgive Yourself

By forgiving yourself, you release the burden of guilt and regret, allowing yourself to heal and grow.

Past won’t change, but your future can, everyone makes mistakes and you’re only human.

Please understand that both you and your ex-partner played a role in the relationship and its end.

So treat yourself with the same kindness as you would offer a friend going through something similar.

Hope these glow up ideas resonated with you to focus on your personal growth and treat yourself with love and kindness when navigating life post breakup.

How To Glow Up After A Breakup!

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